While not the last ARTMIC OVA, it feels like the end of an era.
Tag: gall force
Never Let a Good Idea Die: ARTMIC’s History of Recycled Ideas and Design
Drawing from their experience in TV anime, 3D photo stories, and other media, ARTMIC created rich OVAs that, more often than not, shared familiar thematic elements along with a consistently recognizable visual style.
The Sony HiTBiT F1 Game Robot: When Gall Force Sold Computers
Sony’s marketing campaigns for their MSX computers involved everyone from Syd Mead to Seiko Matsuda, but their most memorable bit of advertising may have been a print ad featuring a scratch-built powered suit to advertise their HiTBiT HB-F1 MSX2 machine.
The Early Doujin of Kenichi Sonoda
Long before Gunsmith Cats or Gall Force, Kenichi Sonoda got his break thanks to doujin he published with a group named Comic Circle VTOL.
Garage Kit Heroines: Gall Force Star Front
Seemingly everywhere during the VHS era, this early standout in the girls n’ guns genre began as a 3D photo novel and a series of garage kits.
Character Goods of 1984: Neko Mimi and Combat Jyou
One of Kenichi Sonoda’s first professional gigs was designing characters for garage kits.
Anime Archaeology: Kichijoji’s ARTMIC Building
A trip back to the year 1987 and a peak inside the studio that brought us MOSPEADA, MADOX-01, and… Gall Force.