Parallel to the development of giant robot anime in the 1970s, Studio Nue’s revolutionary renderings of Robert A. Heinlein’s Starship Troopers powered suit changed the game, and in turn lead to smaller, more “realistic” powered suits appearing in the pages of manga weeklies and hobby magazines.
Tag: votoms
Catch the Dougram Diorama Caravan
In the midst of the gunpla boom, Takara slapped some Dougram decals on a van and toured Japanese hobby shops to promote their model kits and encourage kids to create their own mecha model dioramas.
WonderFestival 2016 Summer Round-Up
A quick look at some of the cool kits and toys I noticed at the latest Wonder Festival.
Let’s Read: Dual Magazine, No. 3
Dual Magazine was created as a house organ to promote Takara’s efforts in ‘real robot’ anime and take advantage of the model craze kicked off a few years prior by Bandai’s Gundam kits.
The Chunky Comfort of Robot Vinyl Toys
Who needs fancy features and detailed accessories, anyways?
Goodbye, Soldiers: Director’s Roundtable with Ishiguro, Takahashi and Yamada
The directors of Orguss, Mospeada and VOTOMS sit down with The Anime to discuss their shows and the state of SF and mecha TV anime in 1984.